We are honored to give our Diamond and Platinum Sponsors these custom flags created and donated by two of our local firefighters.

Brian Ammons, of JBA Woodworks. Brian resides in Seminole with his wife Jackie and their three children. Brian works at the Largo Fire Department as a Paramedic and Fireman. He is also part of the honor guard and SWAT team for Largo. His dad served in the military and instilled a deep appreciate for our military and all the freedoms they allow us to have. Thanks Brian for the flags and your service to the community.

Diamond Sponsors
$10,000 plus
Bill and Amy Hartman at Realty Experts
Abbott Flooring and Renovations & Bay to Bay Foundation
100 + Women Who Care- Pinellas County
Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation (Best Buy Founder)
Royal Neighbors of America, Nation of Neighbors Empowerment Grant
Pinellas Realtor Organization Affiliates
Platinum Sponsors
$2,500 to $9,999
Oakland City University
Kris Balken, Brand Line Traders, LLC
Burrows Family Charitable Fund
Schweitzer Family
Pinellas Realtor Organization
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Seminole VFW Post 9272
Sagicor Life Insurance Company – Tampa, FL
ServePro of Tarpon/West Tampa
National Aviation Academy in Clearwater, FL
Tampa Bay Rays Community Foundation
Angler Armory Fishing – Malz Family
Rotary Club of Indian Rocks Beach
ShipThrifty & Ship Gratitude
Sunstate Properties of Tampa, LLC
General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems
Ramsey Wealth Management
Silver Sponsors
$500- $2,499
Central Florida Chapter AFSFA
GoFundMe, as part of their “Give Back” Campaign
Michael E. Labanowski and April Critelli Family Fund
Kiwanis Breakfast Club of Seminole
Seminole Elks Lodge No 2519, Inc.
Royal Neighbors of America Chapter 20184
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boey
A Better Life Realty
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cooksley